sábado, 28 de mayo de 2022

518005 Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching

 Link to the folder

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jk-D1C9PRjU7hDUnqgePgxSxhjsG3QPZ

Diarios de campo's Synthesis.

During my experience in this foundation, it was quite awesome to witness how teachers dealed with students and all the difficulties faced during lockdown, virtuality, distance and other issues from students. Teaching to adults is a different process but not too different to study a different career to achieve this. Teaching them is also funny because they have other ways to learn and pay you more attention sometimes, if you compare the sistuation with a common teenagers classroom.
The generalities I can spot were that the foundation serves people with love, with the purely intetion to teach them the best they could with the resources they have. It's a matter of compromise and loyalty between both foundation and students so they can reach the goal of a high school graduated.

Plan de Trabajo Schedule





Inducción. Primera sesión con la coordinadora Ana María Calderón. Se establecen los compromisos y se hace el recuento histórico de la fundación. 3 horas.


Competencias Ciudadanas con la docente Lorena Gómez. Ciclo V. Se habla sobre la discriminación. Descripción de la actividad (ensayo). 2 horas de revisión de material sobre la andragogía con la coordinadora, 4 horas de reflexión de la sesión, 1 asignación de estudiantes, 3 horas asistencia. 10 horas reconocidas.


Clase de inglés con el profesor Andrés Cuervo. Ciclo VI. Verbo to be y pronombres personales en inglés. 3 asistencia y 1 hora de reflexión de la sesión. 4 horas reconocidas.


ESAPEC con la tutora Marelyn Almeida. Revisión del material para la siguiente unidad y aclaración de dudas con respecto a la práctica pedagógica, y diligenciamiento de formatos.


Clase de ciencias naturales con el docente Javier. Lectura y trabajos sobre la biotecnología y biorremediación. Ciclo V. 3 horas de asistencia y 1 hora de reflexión final. 4 horas reconocidas.


Clase de español con la coordinadora Ana María. Ciclo VI. Lectura crítica, preparación de formatos y apuntes en clase sobre andragogía. Asignación de estudiantes y practicantes. 5 horas.


Clase de inglés para Ciclo V. Alistamiento de materiales para la clase sobre pronombres personales, sustantivos y adjetivos en inglés. Creación de los tableros para la clase. Revisión de bibliografía sobre el verbo to be y verbos en presente simple. Ejecución de la clase con la estudiante. Alistamiento de materiales para la clase siguiente, Reunión posterior con la coordinadora Ana María. 10 horas.

Photographic Evidence:

Remarkable moments

During my encounters I learnt a lot. The most remarkable moments I can recall are: English class with teacher Andrés Cuervo, he is a particular teacher and sometimes is the model of teacher I want to be.

The other class I can remember is when Ana María had a class with us, she made the best being in charge not only with administrative stuff but with students too. She seemed to be a bit shy in the beginning but latterly she performed the best. she made good questions to think, although she is not a professional teacher.



What I can conclude from this experience is, one, adults are a different public compared to teenagers, when it comes to learning ways and behaviour. Two, virtual environments are still a challenge for the population in general. This means that technology is still a mystery for a huge portion of people, and it is still received with resistance and rejection against innovation. This applies to both teachers and students. Three, from the previous point I can say that Colombia is not yet prepared to face the technological revolution that first world countries are accepting as part of themselves. This country is stuck in a primitive farm-growing culture where people avoid the advance of technology, but their idiosyncrasy do not allow them to accept this, so, the countryside people is seen as "hicks" and city people is seen as "winners" but none of them accept changes in culture and world. The support and evidence to this is the fact that once lockdown went off, everybody ran to keep doing the same things as were done before 2020's pandemic times.


Chosen Methods

I'd chose the Grammar/Translation Method because it still allows people to match the differences and similarities among languages. Also, this allows a traditional way to gather vocabulary, partly in an isolated way, but it can serve as a support to other methods.

 Although not everybody is eager to participate in groups of language learning (including myself), sometimes a community language learning is a good tool. I think it depends on how the method or the activities are developed and deployed. Some activities I have faced during this career were boring and others were interesting. I’d say that this English semester was the most amazing and interesting, since there was no need to write large papers, I had to speak a lot and defend ideas. In other subjects, it was fun to write and read a lot too, it was necessary to perform tasks such as materials development, I find it challenging.

 And last but not least, Computer Assisted Language Learning. It is fun how new methods are born in the digital world and the outcoming of language learning apps have allowed us to learn languages, other times impossible to reach due to their costs or difficulty to find materials. Books are usually expensive, difficult to find sometimes and heavy. If you can study at home, a book is nice, it gives you the experience of writing and if you search on google, you will find the benefits of handwriting to learn languages. But interactive media is of much use since its speed to response and giving you feedback if needed. It is a matter of balance in older and newer methods.

518005 Methodology in Foreign Language Teaching

 Link to the folder Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jk-D1C9PRjU7hDUnqgePgxSxhjsG3QPZ Diarios de campo's Synthesis. During ...